HERO Impact
April 2020 - The world of healthcare found new temporary Environment’s Of Care (EOC) for COVID-19 patients in mass Pop-Up Hospitals and On-Site Hospital Surge Capacity. These EOC’s (and the healthcare heroes who serve there) were without the traditional medical and workstation carts they rely on and benefited by having PPE, Isolation, Bedside, and Laptop Workstation Carts available, in abundance, stocked and ready for rapid deployment.
In 2018 Merriam-Webster published the definition of TAGCarts’ Founder / CEO of a medical cart in their "New Words" dictionary as: a mobile unit that optimizes the storage, accessibility, control and use of medical supplies, equipment, medication or data for the practice of healthcare.
From prestigious academic medical centers to small rural hospitals, in the USA and abroad - Medical Carts are serving our healthcare heroes to deliver superior patient outcomes.

Pop-Up Field Hospitals Emergency Response
Over 1,100 “Pop-Up” field hospitals have been set up across the USA for COVID-19 CoronaVirus pandemic. HEROCarts are ready for duty to keep HealthcareHeroes safe, and perhaps provide some dignity and comfort for patients in a mass patient environment of care.

Hospital COVID-19 Patient Surge Capicity
Typical Hospital “Patient Surge Capacity” set up for COVID-19 / CoronaVirus Isolation patients April 2020.