GRHC receives donation of recyclable bedside carts to assist patients
Thank you Gila River Healthcare for allowing TAGCarts to serve your HealthcareHEROES protecting the greater Gila River Indian Community. We are glad the PPE kitted and single patient-use HEROCarts will aid in your fight of COVID-19 and beyond. Additionally we’d like to thank the State of Arizona Department of Health Services, Dircks Moving & Logistics, PRIDE Industries, and Pinal County Public Health for teaming up to get the front-line nurse Heroes at Hau’paul Red Tail Hawk Health Center the HEROCarts they need. Christopher Lomahquahu of the Gila River Indian News reports here, see the link below: http://www.gricnews.org/index.php/grin-articles/2020-articles/september-4-2020-articles/grhc-receives-donation-of-recyclable-bedside-carts-to-assist-patients