KXTV ABC10 on 2020 July 20st 5:00pm
article title:
Sacramento based start-up TAGCarts helping pop-up hospitals in the field | Everyday Heroes
Topic: Taggart Neal created a start-up that provides medical carts to pop-up field hospitals.
KXTV likes to highlight those in our community making a difference, and Taggart Neal was recently featured on the news as well as his start-up TAGCarts™ which helps medical and hospital workers lower their risk of cross-contamination that comes along with using a “community” medical cart.
TAGCarts™ are designed as an affordable and disposable cardboard-based medical cart that nurses and hospital workers can supply with gloves, masks and other personal protection equipment [PPE] crucial to limit the spread of the coronavirus as well as treat the many who have become infected.
HEROCarts™ are also disposable. When a field hospital closes, these carts can be recycled.
Taggart Neal and his exciting start-up have partnered with the Sacramento Kings Foundation — several HEROCarts have been donated to Cal OES so they can be set up at multiple coronavirus surge sites.